27 November 2023: Congratulations Dr. Chu-Antypas!
22-24 November 2023: our first collaborative MIGRATE meeting
2 June 2023: lab excursion to Otmoor Nature Reserve.
9 June 2023: Congratulations Dr. Kokolaki!
15 Feb 2023: Congratulations to the labs of Elena, Dani, Lindsay and Valentin!
15 Feb 2023: Congratulations to the labs of Elena, Dani, Lindsay and Valentin!
21 Dec 2022: thanks Diamond team!
21 Dec 2022: thanks Diamond team!
16 November 2022: Congratulations Dr. Zheng-Gerard!
9 November 2022: new article in Neuron!
9 November 2022: new article in Neuron!
27 October 2022: lab day in Beckley!
13 October 2022: short video on our new paper
13 October 2022: short video on our new paper
13 October 2022: Hurray! The new Cell paper is out!
13 October 2022: Hurray! The new Cell paper is out!
13 October 2022: Congratulations Celine & co-authors!
13 October 2022: Congratulations Celine & co-authors!
1 September 2022: Beautiful new paper in Structure!
1 September 2022: Beautiful new paper in Structure!
2 July 2022: Maria's baby shower!
28 June 2022: Congratulations Dr. Owen Crowther!
23-27 May 2022: back in person!
23-27 May 2022: back in person!
28 January 2022: first in-person lab excursion after the pandemic!
1 October 2021: Congratulations to Fina on being awarded a 3-year fellowship!
23 March - 25 May 2020: lab shut down due to the pandemic.
9 January 2020: Cell released our beautiful new paper on new complexes and cell guidance today!
9 January 2020: Cell released our beautiful new paper on new complexes and cell guidance today!
12 December 2019: paper accepted in Cell!
29 November 2019: Congratulations Onno!
30 October 2019: EMBO just approved funding for a workshop on Molecular Neurobiology!